Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Stealing user session with open-redirect bug in Rails

Is open redirect bad for your website?
If we don't take into account "phishing", how can be open redirect dangerous? 
Mind reading because any redirect to 3rd party website will leak facebook access_tokens of your users. 
So innocent open redirect on logout will simply reveal access_token of current user when we set redirect_uri to Client/logout?to=3rdparty
That's really bad. Users won't be happy to see your client posting spam on behalf of their accounts. 

What about open redirect in Rails?
As I previously mentioned in my blog posts, Rails loves playing with arguments. You can send :back, or "location" or :location => "location" or ->{some proc} or :protocol=>"https", :host=>"" etc. So because of this line
redirect_to params[:to]
attacker has multiple ways to compromise the redirect.

1. params[:to][0] == '/' is not good protection, since // is a legit URL. (By the way if you use regexp avoid $^, luke)
2. XSS by sending ?to[protocol]=javascript:payload()//&to[status]=200
3. Discovered yesterday, we can see plain HTTP headers in response body by sending ?to[status]=1

Live demo on Songkick

Step 1, open with GET or POST params[protocol]=javascript&success_url[host]=%250Alocation=name//&success_url[status]=200

Step 2, user clicks on the XSS link and executes payload from window name

Step 3, payload parses broken HTTP response and leaks httpOnly session cookie[status]=1

Frankly, this bug is really common. I found it in more than 5 popular rails startups though I only started checking.
If you need careful security audit (or brutal pentest) of your app, visit


  1. I have also noticed one more peculiar thing in Rails app. The way they implement their session tokens. I have seen 3 cases till now where the session token is a combination of some Base64 encoded string + random number. When you base64 decode the string, you can see the sessionID and the CSRF token. This same CSRF token is then used to prevent CSRF as a header in further requests. I am not sure if implementing or having the CSRF token in the session cookie is a good thing or not.

    1. yes that's normal signed cookie and it's secure implementation
